Wednesday, November 12, 2008

first hair clip

Gracie is wearing a hair clip for the first time today! Her hair is really fuzzy right now and likes to stick straight up. I'm loving all the fun stages of her development and growth! I know that all too soon she won't be a baby anymore, so I'm trying to soak up each moment.

Gracie has a special "blankie" now. It's her burp cloth! She has become attached, but she goes to sleep like a dream with it . . . so I'm happy! And she looks so sweet all cuddled up in her bed with it. She loves to have it right up by her face. And, yes, I make sure she sleeps with a clean burp cloth!

Right as I got out the camera this morning I realized that Gracie had spit up all over the shirt I had JUST put on her! Keeping a baby full, dry and clean is quite the job :).

1 comment:

Katers said...

just be careful she doesn't think the hair clip is a chew toy;)