Thursday, February 16, 2012

First Day of School

Gracie started going to a little preschool this week! It is two mornings a week and so far has been just great. It's giving her some interaction with other Western kids her age (there aren't that many here at the moment) and is giving some structure to our week. I've also enjoyed some one-on-one time with little Anna!

 Walking to pick up Gracie from school (this is on the compound where we live). Gracie's school is about a 10 minute walk from our house.

Gracie's class 

She LOVES this doll house! 

And just for fun: Anna, determined to put on her shorts by herself. She is SO independent these days. 

How could you not love that face!


krpatters said...

I love that face!!! (and the pigtails!)

Stephanie said...

What a smile.
Love it.
May you guys know deep, abiding peace and love in this season of transition.

Barbara said...

What sweet pictures of my sweet girlies! XOXO