Thursday, September 25, 2008

JAARS, Part 1

We are here at the JAARS Center in North Carolina and are enjoying the fall weather on the east coast! Here are some pictures to give you an idea of what we've been up to (not so many of Justin as he is taking his TE and we can't go bug him for photos!).

"What's the big deal, Mom. I don't know why you were so worried that I would be fussy on the plane. Airplanes are fun!"

Gracie was an AWESOME little traveler! We are so thankful for the great day of travel that the Lord gave us and how he answered so many prayers. Gracie must take after her daddy with how much she likes to fly.

Gracie showed off some of her vocabulary on the flight.

It's colder here than we are used to. Gracie has to bundle up to stay warm.

We're enjoying a king size bed. Gracie looks so tiny laying on it.

Sweet face for Grandmas and Aunties who are missing their girl.

Hanging out after Daddy left this morning. Gracie is fascinated with our camera. It's not hard to get her to look at it . . . but she always makes this face when she does!

Bundled up to go meet people in the aviation administration building.

The JAARS Center is very pretty. Lots of grass and big trees!

This is our apartment building.

And the inside of our place.

Our view out the back windows!

There's that camera face again!

Thanks for checking in. We'll post more photos in a few days!

1 comment:

Katers said...

that kitchen looks like your kitchen! and everything looks great. can't wait to see you soon:).